Raul Peris (Spain)

<1> What were your first impressions when you actually ran the car?
All I can say is - Fantastic! It’s the most enjoyable model around. It's just a joy to drive. Fast and powerful.

<2> How does it compare to the 1/8 Inferno?
When I drove this model after my 1/8 machine, I didn't feel much difference between them. Of course its smaller and a 1/8 race layout seems big for it, but I felt no impact of the size on the controllability. It's really stable. I think it has to performance to be a great training model for 1/8 racing.

<3> What did you find interesting about the mechanics?
I was amazed at how everything fits perfectly on the chassis, despite the tight space. But I was really interested in the SIRIO 09 engine. The precision construction was obvious and very exciting to see.

<4> What did you think about the SIRIO engine?
It certainly didn't sound like a 09-class. You could tell straight away that it was much more stable than normal 09-class engines. Also it didn't have that annoying whine, but sounded just a real racing engine. And it had the power and torque to back it up as well. It really is an excellent engine.

<5> How do you think the 09 will be received in your country?
Firstly, its small size makes it ideal for beginners and you can start with a reasonable budget. But it puts out performance that I encourage expert level drivers to try as well. Its strongest points are real engine buggy racing performance at a low cost. I believe these points will draw plenty of attention in Spain.
Raul Peris / Spain
Together with Miguel Matias, represents the best of Europe's drivers. Famous also for his pit mechanic who also happens to be his fiance. Has contributed to design input and is an expert in chassis setting.
[Team Kyosho International member]

【Notable Achievements】
IFMAR 1/8 Off-Road World Championship
  2002 - 3rd
EFRA 1/8 Off-Road European

  2000 - 2nd
  2001 - 3rd
(as at 29th October, 2006)

Miguel Matias  5 / 8  Linus Thern